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Oracle Policy Modeling and Sensitivity Labels
Answer ID 12857   |   Last Review Date 06/20/2024

Can I use sensitivity labels with Oracle Policy Modeling?


Intelligent Advisor


When using Microsoft Office with Oracle Policy Modeling I can see the following warning:
ADD SENSITIVITY LABEL Your organization requires you to label this document before editing. Select label
Errors like failed for FluentRIbbon.Action[..] appear multiple times and the labels can only be set after dismissing all the notifications.
This behavior is present for users who have implemented Microsoft Sensitivity Labels. This feature interacts with the Oracle Policy Modeling add-in and is preventing it from loading, unless a sensitivity label is selected first.
The labels provide a way for security for particular people to gain or deny access to a document's content. Oracle Policy Modeling add-in is implemented to assume that the content of its documents is always accessible, which makes protected contents problematic and is the reason for the errors .
  • These actions can be performed on each document that needs to be labeled, to prevent the errors mentioned:
    1. Open the Word document
    2. Go to File > Info > Protect Document > Always Open Read-Only > Save and Close.
    3. When you open it again to add the labels, select 'Yes' for the question 'Open as read-only?'
    4. When you open it again to edit it for OPM, select 'No' for the question 'Open as read-only?'
    5. When it is opened in edit mode, you can remove the Read-Only setting again from the Info tab.
  • Customize the Trust Center settings in a way that enables Protected View for these documents.
  • There is no generally valid workaround - the global solution is to exclude users who are authoring policy models from using sensitivity labels.