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Incident Email Tracking
Answer ID 12849   |   Last Review Date 06/01/2024

How do I check if the Question Receipt or Incident Closed message template emails were sent for an incident?

Oracle B2C Service, Service Email Incident Outbound Tracking
Some incident emails are not recorded in the out-of-the-box Incident Audit Log report (transactions table) so we don't know if they were sent.
The message_trans database table tracks the Question Receipt, Rule Email, Incident Closed, Incident Solved, Incident Waiting and Incident Unresolved contact email message templates and can indicate when the email was sent, when the email was viewed by the incident's primary contact, and whether an answer link or other tracked link was clicked by the primary contact.
For help creating a basic report please refer to Answer ID 2509: Creating a basic custom report.  Some suggestions for creating a report to track Incident Response Emails are listed below:
  • Database tables to include in a report: 
    • message_trans with inner joins to documents, contacts, and threads with inner join to incidents
      Database tables included in a sample report, message_trans with inner joins to documents, contacts, threads with inner join to incidents 
  • Columns to include in a report might include:
    • contacts.c_id,
    • incidents.i_id,
    • incidents.ref_no,
    • message_trans.created, 
    • message_trans.trans_type
  • Filters are needed to be able to search for a specific incident or multiple incidents for the same primary contact so consider:
    • contacts.c_id or or incidents.ref_no, depending on whether you want to search by contact or incident
    • a date filter may be needed as well for optimal report performance
       Filters are used to be able to search based on contact or incident
Sample results for test incidents showing various contact emails sent for some incidents:
Sample report results showing Incident Waiting and Incident Closed message templates were sent
Sample results showing several message template emails sent and viewed by the contact
  • The DQA utility inserts data to the message_trans database table.  By default the utility is on a 15-minute schedule so some delay is expected.  The created timestamps are when the message_trans action occurred, not when DQA inserted data.  
  • Some emails can be cc'ed to additional recipients, but message_trans will only track email activity to the incident's primary contact. 
  • To see if an agent's response email was sent to multiple recipients use the Incident Audit Log or a customized version of the out-of-the-box report (Answer ID 2490: Using the audit log).
  • For additional information, refer to the 'Incident Response Tracking' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation.