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Highlight No Operation rules in Enhanced Business Rules
Answer ID 12651   |   Last Review Date 06/27/2023

How can I view rules that are executed but results in no action in Enhanced Business Rules?


Enhanced Business Rules


A new tab called Rules Inspector is available under each object that will list the rules that are executed but result in no action.

The admins can evaluate the rule base periodically by clicking the ‘Evaluate’ button in the tab. A notification will be provided once the evaluation process starts and completes. Once the evaluation process is complete, the rules that result in no operation will be listed with below details.

  • Rule Group – The name of the rule State under which the rule is present.
  • Rule – The name of the rule that should be reviewed.
  • Conditions/Actions to review – The IF condition and/or the action in the THEN, ELSE, SWITCH cases to be reviewed.

Notes: The admin has to hit the Evaluate button to identify the No Operation rules. It is recommended to evaluate the rule base once in a quarter.