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Unpublish the associated answer from the "Manage Content Recommendations" task page when it is recommended/suggested to be not longer valid by end-users/contacts
Answer ID 12580   |   Last Review Date 03/03/2023

How to unpublish the associated answer from the "Manage Content Recommendations" task page when it is recommended/suggested to be not longer valid by end-users/contacts?


Knowledge Advanced for Oracle B2C Service


When end-users/contacts click the "Recommend Change" button from the Customer Portal UI Content View page to request for the removal of the published answer, a corresponding Recommendation (Recommend Change) Task and notification/email would be created to notify the Author(article owner) to handle it.  Then from the Authoring>Tasks tab, the Author would click this Recommendation (Recommend Change) Task to perform/handle the task.  But the "Update content record" link's Edit page from the "Manage Content Recommendations" task page does not have the "Unpublish" option though.

To workaround it, the author may do the following:

- From Authoring>Tasks tab, click the Recommendation (Recommend Change) Task to perform it
- Then, fill in whatever "Comments associated with action" and click the "Update content record" link at the "Manage Content Recommendations" task page
It would bring up the corresponding article in Edit mode.  Simply set the "Remove After" date at the "Publishing Options" to some day in the past (say yesterday).  Then, click "Save and Publish Document" link.
It will 'publish' the corresponding article with 'Expired' status then.