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Named Event trigger in workspace rules and scripts
Answer ID 12565   |   Last Review Date 02/21/2023

Why is the Fire Named Event trigger not performing the actions I included in my workspace/script rule?

Workspace rules, Scripts.
Oracle B2C Service

When you work with the Named Event trigger, it's essential to consider the order of the workspace rules you work with. If your Named Event looks like it isn't performing the desired actions, you'll need to check the following:
  1. Ensure the conditions to fire the Named Event are met. For instance, if the Named Event actions are based on a specific profile, you should use an account belonging to that profile to trigger the Event.
  2. Ensure the workspace rule is active within your workspace or script. The checkmark [tick] indicates the workspace rule is active.
  3. The "Fire Named Event" rule should be placed before the actions the Named Event should perform; if the first workspace rule in the list performs the Event Named actions, the Fire named Event will not execute any action, as the actions were evaluated before the Fire Named Event triggers.
  4. Business rules are checked after Workspace rules, which means Business rules can override the changes made to a record by workspace rules if the rules have similar actions. You need to check your Business Rules and ensure none of them are overwriting your workspace rules.
For additional information, refer to the 'How Events are Used in Workspace and Script Rules' section in the online documentation for your site's current version. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.