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Chat Masking with Enhanced Business Rules
Answer ID 12542   |   Last Review Date 02/03/2023

Where are Chat Masking Rules applied?

B2C Service Chat, Enhanced Business Rules

With Enhanced Business Rules (EBR), any personal identifiable information like Credit Card, SSN, Phone number that is exchanged between an agent and the end user via chat can be masked. Additionally, EBR also supports defining custom masks that are specific to user’s business scenarios. The information will be masked before it is stored in the database.

The “Mask Content” action is currently supported for

  • Chats.Question – The subject with which the end user has initiated the chat.
  • Chat Events.Data String – Data that is sent either by the agent or the end-user.

As the information is masked and stored in the database, it remains hidden when agents access related reports such as the Chat Audit Log (ID: 3047) or the Chat Events Report (ID: 3054) which would contain the historic data of a particular chat.

Please note that masking is not applied on

  • Live chat window.
  • Transcript that gets auto generated as an incident thread when the chat is concluded, unless thread auto masking feature is enabled.


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