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Allowing staff to re-edit the incident thread before sending response
Answer ID 1243   |   Last Review Date 03/01/2024

Is there an option to allow staff in training to re-open an incident and edit response text they had previously entered?


Workspaces / Incident Response


We have staff in training who will enter response text. Once a coach reviews that, they may need to re-open the incident and edit that response text again prior to send it to the customer.


You can allow staff members to save incidents without sending a response and then later re-open the incident and be able to edit the content that they had previously entered. This is within the incident workspace.  From the Design ribbon > Response Options, you can configure their workspace to:

a) Not commit the thread when an incident is saved -- set Commit Response When Incident is Saved to False / disabled  
b) Not change the status of the incident from unresolved so that incidents are not inadvertently closed -- set Change the Incident’s Status when Send On Save is Selected to No Change  
c) Not have the Send on Save box enabled by default -- set Automatically Select Send On Save When Opening an Incident Default to Never

In addition, determine whether an incident should automatically be reassigned to a staff member who opens the incident for editing. The Reassign the Incident When Send On Save is Selected property allows you to specify whether the incident is automatically reassigned to the agent editing the incident or becomes unassigned or does not change assignment.

Several workspace properties associated with the Rich Text Incident Thread relationship item affect the functionality associated with saving and sending responses for incidents.

These properties are listed under the Response Options button in the Design ribbon; this button becomes visible on the Design ribbon when the incident thread portion of the workspace has "focus", i.e. it has been clicked on.  A simple way to do this is click the Send On Save or text areas of the incident thread workspace editor.

1. Confirm Response When Saving and Send On Save is Selected
Select this option if you want the staff member to confirm that the incident response should be sent.

2. Commit Response When Incident is Saved
Select this option if you want the staff response to be committed to the incident thread when the response is saved.

This property specifies when a staff response in an incident is committed to the incident thread. If this property is TRUE, the response is committed when an incident is saved -- even if the response is not sent. If set to FALSE, the response is committed to the thread only if a response is sent to the end-user.

That is, if set to FALSE, an agent can add a response and save the incident (without sending a response) and the agent can re-open the incident and edit that thread. By default, this is set to TRUE.

Once the response is sent to the end-user, it becomes committed to the incident thread and the staff member cannot edit it.

Note:  If you try to solve an incident with an uncommitted thread, a pop-up window displays indicating that this is not allowed.  See Answer ID 2192: Committing content to the incident thread > 'Uncommitted content' section for more information.

3. Add a Response When Selecting Send On Save if No Response Already Exists
Select this option to automatically display the response options panel when you select the Send on Save check box on the Rich Text Incident Thread control. Clearing the check box closes the response options. Additionally, when this property is enabled, clicking the slider on the Messages tab to open the response options panel automatically selects the Send on Save check box, and closing the response options clears the check box.

If this option is disabled, then expanding the response options panel enables the Send on Save box, but clicking the Send on Save box does not automatically expand the panel. Clearing the Send on Save check box automatically collapses the panel, but collapsing the panel does not automatically clear the Send on Save check box.

4. Reassign the Incident When Send On Save is Selected
Click this drop-down menu and select one of the following options for reassigning an incident when a response is sent.

No Change—The incident’s Assigned field does not change.
• To Current Agent—The Assigned field changes to the staff member working the incident.
• To Unassigned—The Assigned field is set to No Value.

5. Automatically Select Send On Save When Opening an Incident
Click this drop-down menu and select an option that indicates when an incident response should be sent automatically. The options are:

• Never—A response is never sent automatically.
• On New—A response is sent for a new incident.
• On Edit—A response is sent when an incident is edited.
• On New and Edit—A response is sent whenever an incident is added or edited.

Note: To automatically select the Send on Save check box only when sending a response, an agent can click the slider bar at the left of the incident thread and enter the response using the response options section. Refer to Sending responses.

6. Change the Incident’s Status when Send On Save is Selected
Click this drop-down menu and select an option for changing an incident’s status when a response is sent. The options are:

No Change—The incident’s status does not change when a response is sent.
• To Waiting—The incident’s status changes to Waiting when a response is sent.
• To Solved—The incident’s status changes to Solved when a response is sent.

For more information on editing workspace properties, refer to Answer ID 2518: Setting Properties in Workspaces.