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CURL calls refencing incidents
Answer ID 12312   |   Last Review Date 07/31/2022

How do I resolve my Customer Portal giving me a HTTP 404/500 not found on my page?

Customer Portal, Data Warehouse
Issue: The Customer Portal is returning a HTTP 404/500 not found.
Resolution: The Customer Portal calling itself is not supported.  To reference items inside the Customer Portal, the connectPHP API is suggested.
Note: Referencing incidents in order to pull attachments is not suggested. Incidents are setup to archive after a certain amount of time.  Archiving deletes the attachments.
Answer ID 5030: When incident archiving is enabled, what happens with my incident-related data?
Creating a File attachment answer is the best practice for working with this information.
Cause: Check your page to make sure the Customer Portal is not using CURL calls to call other pages. This has also been done via PHPs file_get_contents.Answer ID 7445: Using PHP function file_get_contents