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REST download of all of an incident's attachments will truncate a filename with 100 characters to 99 characters
Answer ID 11961   |   Last Review Date 09/02/2021

When I download all of an incident's file attachments as a tar file in a REST request, why does a filename with 100 characters have the filename in the tar file truncated to 99 characters.




The product allows file attachments with a filename up to 100 characters. However when all of an incident's file attachments are downloaded as a tar file in a REST request, such as below, an attachment with with a filename of 100 characters will have its filename in the downloaded tar file truncated to 99 characters.


Some versions of the Unix tar program have internal limitation on the length of filenames of 99 characters. A filename longer than will cause an error. In order to avoid the chance of that occurring, when constructing the tar file to be sent in a REST download request of all of an incident's file attachments, the API with truncate a filename of 100 characters to 99 characters.

One way to work with that limitation is to rename that file after untarring it from long_file_name.tx to long_file_name.txt.

Another way is download an incidents file attachments individually.

A REST request similar to below will return a information on all of incident's file attachments.

A request for information about an individual file attachment will have the attachment's filename in the reponse.

The filename included in the previous response can then be used when saving the attachment from a download request.