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How to remove a WeChat Channel in Oracle Messaging
Answer ID 11912   |   Last Review Date 07/06/2021


Oracle Messaging
Oracle B2C Service


When you first add a new WeChat channel to Oracle Messaging, your WeChat Official Account administrator will have to scan a QR code to authorize the binding of the Official Account to Oracle’s WeChat third-party platform.

Similarly, to remove a WeChat channel from Oracle Messaging, your WeChat Official account administrator will have to unbind the Official Account from Oracle’s WeChat third-party platform.

To unbind a WeChat Official Account from Oracle’s WeChat third-party platform, perform the following steps (or see the slide show attached to this answer, available in English or Chinese):

  1. Go to and log in as the WeChat Official Account Administrator
  2. In the left frame, under “Settings”, click “Account Info”
  3. In the main frame, under “Setting of Official Account”, click “Authorization Management”
  4. You will be presented with a table with a list of third-party platforms that the Official Account is currently bound to. There will be a third-party platform entry with the Oracle logo on it. Depending on the region where Oracle Messaging was provisioned for you, the third-party platform can either be named “Oracle-Messaging-1” or “Oracle-Messaging-2”.
  5. On the rightmost column of Oracle’s WeChat third-party platform entry, under “Operation”, click “View platform details”
  6. Click the “Cancel authorization” button to unbind the WeChat Official Account from Oracle’s WeChat third-party platform

Once the unbind operation has successfully completed, the WeChat channel entry in Oracle Messaging will automatically be removed.