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Spam Management Updates for B2C Service Mailboxes
Answer ID 11667   |   Last Review Date 04/01/2021

Information about Oracle B2C Service (OSvC)'s transition to a new spam management infrastructure.

This answer contains information you may need for B2C Service's upcoming move to a new spam management infrastructure.  The content in this answer will be updated as more information is available, particularly cutover dates for particular datacenters.

As of July 31st, 2020, the current spam management portal for your B2C Service mailboxes will be phased out and replaced on a rolling datacenter by datacenter basis.  The new portal will have additional functionality and features and a new user interface that should improve your ability to monitor and manage spam settings and quarantined emails.

Cutover Schedule

All cutover times will be during scheduled maintenance periods for your datacenter.  If your datacenter is not listed here, you can subscribe to this answer so that you receive notifications when it is updated.  You can also expect to receive a directed email from B2C Service Technical Support with the date of your cutover, at least a week prior to it.

Currently Scheduled Cutovers

Datacenter Date
Brazil (BR) July 31st, 2020
Toronto (TR) August 7th, 2020
Frankfurt (FF) August 7th, 2020
Amsterdam (AM) August 14th, 2020
UK (GB) August 14th, 2020
Japan (JP) August 14th, 2020
Sydney (SY) August 14th, 2020
Illinois (IL) August 21st, 2020
MidWest/Chicago (MW) August 21st, 2020
PCI (PC) August 21st, 2020
Virginia (VA) August 21st, 2020
Fed Gov (FG) September 10th, 2020
DISA (DD) September 10th, 2020
over but since it was a new column

What do you need to do?

We are currently working to make this cutover as seamless as possible for you.  However, you will want to at a minimum set time aside to, after cutover, verify that your settings from the legacy system have been carried over as you expect.  The legacy filter for your mailboxes will still be active for several weeks after cutover, and you will be able to access your settings as before via the legacy spam management page.  

A note on accounts.  You can log into the quarantine settings with any of three account names.  For example, if your mailbox name is example, and your mailbox is hosted on the GB datacenter, you should be able to log into the quarantine as either, or, using the same password.  If you get an error saying that your account has exceeded the 32 character limit, you may want to try using the shorter version.

Going forward, you can find your new spam quarantine by going to the new spam management page

Should further actions be required, this answer will be updated to that effect and you will also receive instructions via email.

Other important information

  • Even if your site has migrated to the new spam quarantine, if your mailbox Reply To address does not have the datacenter in it (meaning the domain is, your mailbox will still be using the legacy barracuda filters on  and, as of August 14th, the AM datacenter is now using the new quarantine software.  If you have a mailbox without the datacenter in the domain, you will need to log into the AM spam management page.
  • Oracle will be migrating your safelist and blocklist entries into the new system, but may condense duplicative or extraneous entries during that process as needed to make use of new functionality

For more information on the functions of the new spam quarantine too refer to Answer 11713: Managing the new Spam Quarantine.

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