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Impact of a Custom Vhost on Chat Implementations
Answer ID 11320   |   Last Review Date 03/15/2021

How can a custom vhost impact my implementation of chat?


Chat, Chat Widgets - Syndicated, Inlays
Oracle B2C Service


The script tags for Syndicated Chat Widgets and Inlays points to the widget tier of Oracle B2C Service servers. This is by design and provides many benefits to the stability and timeliness of requests and responses made from these widgets. Removing the widget portion of the URL can potentially introduce adverse affects on performance, and cause chat widgets or the inlays to no longer operate as expected. 
When a vhost change is processed, it is important to ensure Chat implementations are using the correct URL, especially future implementations that may be coded incorrectly using the new vhost. There are resources available to check what URL should be used when adding new Syndicated Chat Widgets or Inlays after a vhost change has been processed. 
For Syndicated Chat Widgets
  • Customer Portal Administration Dashboard > Widgets > Syndicated Widgets > ConditionalChatLink or ProactiveChat
  • <site url>.com/ci/tags/syndicated_widgets/standard/ConditionalChatLink

For Inlays

  • This URL contains what should be used for the Inlay site-url attribute:
  • <site name>/ci/oit/docs
  • i.e.

Note: Non-syndicated Chat Widgets or Chat Widgets native to Customer Portal are not affected in this way, as they do not require any URL attribute to be added.

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