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Too many items in operation - exceeds internal limit of 1000 items per operation
Answer ID 10980   |   Last Review Date 07/17/2019

Why am I seeing an API response indicating 'too many items in operation'?


Public APIs (Connect REST, Connect Web Services for SOAP)
All product versions


We are seeing an API response stating:

Too many items in operation - exceeds internal limit of 1000 items per operation


The reason for this error response on public API requests is due to a limit being reached in terms of the amount of objects sent in a single Batch request. The Batch operation enforces a hard limit of 100 items, as well as the limit of 1,000 objects on each CRUD (create, update or delete) operation.

For further details on this topic see Answer ID 8264: Optimal efficiency when creating or updating objects using CWS API.