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Billing/Invoice Questions
Answer ID 10719   |   Last Review Date 03/13/2019

I have questions about my bill or invoice, who do I contact? How can I view my past invoices?


Business Success
For customers having Billing/Invoice Questions


Customer Billing Support can be found at Here you will find information on how to receive billing support by country as well as videos with animations that detail various aspects of the invoice process, an FAQ, and Glossary.

For customers within the US, Oracle Collections can be reached via email at, or by phone at 888-803-7414.
Hours of operations are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST Monday-Friday, excluding official Oracle holidays.

If you need to view or print invoices, you can do so by using the Oracle Bill Management tool. Access is limited to a main point of contact at your company. You can request access by emailing the collections alias above, and a representative from the collections team will be able to assist you further.