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Changing custom domain for Oracle Intelligent Advisor sites
Answer ID 10553   |   Last Review Date 03/16/2023

What are the steps I need to take to change the custom domain for my Intelligent Advisor site?


Oracle B2C Service - all releases

Oracle Intelligent Advisor - all releases


Customers can now change their custom domain for their Intelligent Advisor sites on their end via the Configuration Assistant tool.  Please note, this is only for production sites.  If you would like to have a custom domain on a non-production site, please submit a service request.

To have a new domain in place, the first step is to have a certificate to be used for that specific site. The steps to obtain that are the ones below:

1. Access the configuration assistant as specified in the documentation available here: Configuration Assistant > Managing SSL Certification 

2. Generate a CSR by supplying required inputs

3. Download the CSR from the same page

4. Share this CSR with your CA vendor from which you want to purchase the SSL certificate(of compatible type to B2C Service environment)

5. Come back to CA and upload the SSL certificate and once uploaded, activate it from the same page 

6. Create a CNAME entry in your DNS that points the custom domain name to the current domain

For more details on how to use the Configuration Assistant tool, please see the documentation listed below:
Oracle B2C Service Configuration Assistant on Oracle Cloud Portal