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Browser control doesn't show full functionality of webpage
Answer ID 10391   |   Last Review Date 07/17/2023

Why am I unable to select a date for a date field within a browser control? 


Browser Control
Oracle B2C Service


The .NET console's Browser Control is not a full feature browser. It is a .NET Browser Control.  By default, it renders all pages as Internet Explorer (IE) 7. Also, with IE 11 emulation turned on, a .NET Browser Control is not full-featured.  In some cases, certain browser code will be incompatible with Browser Control so you may see different behavior through the Browser Control than you would see when viewing the webpage directly in a browser. 
It is best practice that agents now use the Browser UI instead of the .NET console.  When an agent logs into BUI, all browser controls within a workspace will be loaded within an iFrame, allowing for modern code rendering capabilities.  
For additional information about Browser Controls refer to, Add a Browser to a Workspace or Script section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.
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