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Contact password reset email not received
Answer ID 10390   |   Last Review Date 05/31/2019

Why is the contact password reset email not being received?


Message Templates, Contacts, Passwords
Oracle B2C Service


We have customers reporting that, after selecting the ‘Forgot your username or password’ link from the end-user pages, entering the username, and selecting the ‘Reset My Password’ button, the ‘Support Account Password Assistance’ email is not received.


There are a few reasons why an email will not be sent after selecting the ‘Reset My Password’ button from the end-user pages.

If the message template is not enabled, then an email to reset the password will not be sent. Verify this is enabled by going into Configuration > Site Configuration > Message Templates > select the appropriate interface > Contact Emails > Account Management > the ‘Contact Password Reset’ message template should have the ‘Send’ checkbox enabled.

Another reason an email will not be sent is if the username entered does not match what is stored in the system exactly, including the case. The username entered is case sensitive. If a contact is not using the correct username, they will not receive an email to reset their password.

A contact/end-user is able to confirm their Login/Username by selecting the ‘Forgot your username and password’ link, and entering their email address, and then selecting ‘Email My Username’. After receiving the email with their username, they should be aware of any capital letters that might be present in the username.

Reset password links expire 24 hours after creation. If an end-user requests another password reset before the 24 hour expiration, but has not used the previous link to change the password, then no email will be sent.


Clicking the "Reset My Password" link will cause the current password to be invalid. Because of this the customer will not be able to log in until they reset the password via the link that is emailed to them.