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Oracle B2C Service Error "Root element is missing" when attempt to send a response or make an edit to an incident
Answer ID 10371   |   Last Review Date 10/29/2021

Why do I see "Root element is missing" when attempting to update an incident? 


Incidents, Oracle B2C Service


The error may vary, as the following error was seen in a different case when attempting to close an incident:

Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 2, position 3.


This is generally due to long threads or large number of threads in an incident. If responses are appending the prior email thread or multiple contacts are updating the incident with lengthy content back and forth, this can contribute to this issue. 

The following settings will help prevent this from happening: 

  • In any Message Template you may be using, open it up for editing and right-click within the red Incident Thread section. Choose "Incident Thread Properties" and enable the "Limit thread count" limit and the "Limit text to" limit. A good suggestion is to set the “Limit text to” field to 4,000 characters. This will limit the number of threads included in a response as well as the overall number of characters in the response. 

For additional information, refer to the Working with the Message Templates Editor section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. 

  • You can also set the size limit of any incoming email for each mailbox. It is the Maximum Description Size setting in the Incoming Mailbox settings. We recommend this be set to the default of 250,000.  If an email exceeds this limit (in bytes), it will be added to the incident as a file attachment and a small thread entry will refer agents to the attached file. You would need to do this for each mailbox you use for incidents. 

For additional information, refer to the Edit an Oracle-Managed Service Mailbox section in the Online Help User Guide documentation.  You can also access the User Guide by clicking "?" (Help) in the upper right corner of Oracle B2C Service while in the Message Templates editor.  

To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

Related Answers: 

Answer ID 1662: Incidents are updated with the entire incident thread

Answer ID 2529: Updates to incidents are included as text file attachments

Answer ID 5476: Identifying and breaking email loops