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An end-user page should not contain two or more different KA search sources
Answer ID 10285   |   Last Review Date 03/19/2019

Why isn't the OkcsPagination widget working on my Browse page?


Customer Portal pages on Oracle B2C Service sites with Knowledge Advanced enabled, all versions


Some standard widgets, such as okcs/OkcsPagination, function incorrectly when multiple OKCS search models are incorporated into a single page in Customer Portal.


There are two standard search models used in the Knowledge Advanced reference implementation. One, OKCSBrowse, is used on the Browse page found at /app/browse. The second, OKCSSearch, is used on most other pages where search widgets are present. Additionally, you may have created one or more custom models.

All of the Knowledge Advanced search widgets related to the display of content and requiring a source_id attribute on a given page should use the same source_id for their search model. This can be accomplished with a container, or individually at the widget attribute level.

Care should be taken to ensure that different models are not being loaded by widgets on the template and on the page itself, as this may also cause a conflict. The search box used in the reference implementation's standard template and displayed on the browse page does work, however, as those widgets are for the input of search terms and land on a different page.

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