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Auto Filter feature displays multiple pages even if the results are included only in the first page
Answer ID 10239   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

Why does the report display multiple pages when using the Auto Filter feature if the results are included only in the first page?


Analytics, Report Filters
Oracle B2C Service


The Auto Filter feature provides easy access to filtering on any field included in a report. When this feature is enabled, a down arrow appears in the specified column headings of a generated report. By clicking the down arrow, you can filter the report by a value in that column.

Auto Filtering hides filtered records but does not remove them from the report output. For this reason, total record counts displayed on the report will not change when auto filtering is used.

For example, your report returned 1730 records. The pagination is configured to display only 1000 rows per page. Meaning, results will be displayed in two pages. If you are filtering the results by a value in a particular column, the report will show only those records that have that specific value. Let's suppose that after filtering the data the report is displaying only 19 records. In this case, it is expected the second page to be blank because this feature hides the filtered records and does not remove them from the output. 

For additional information, refer to the Enable Auto Filters section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.