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"Override existing login" message
Answer ID 10235   |   Last Review Date 05/19/2020

Why am I seeing message for "Override existing login" when logging into another interface


Oracle B2C Service, Login, Profile Permissions

Issue (optional):

When logged into chat and then open a second interface, you'll see this message if your chat profile settings are set to log into chat automatically. However, you prefer not to see this message. 

Override existing login?
     The account appears to already be logged in
     Would you like to terminate the existing session?
     This should only be done if you know that the session has already actually ended.  Yes  No

To continue logging into this second interface, click No so that it does not log you into chat. This allows you to be logged into chat on the initial interface but yet still open this second interface


To prevent this message from appearing, do one of the following:

  • Option 1) First log out of chat prior to logging into another interface.
  • Option 2) Change your profile setting so it does not log you into chat when logging into the console. You would choose the "logged out" setting for Chat Agent Statuses as the default setting. The chat default login settings are under the "Chat Agent Statuses" section of your profile permissions tab. 

These options will allow you to log into the second interface and not see that message. 

For additional information, refer to the Add Chat permissions to a profile section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.