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Invalid parameter sent for export message when trying to export a report
Answer ID 10128   |   Last Review Date 07/19/2019

Why am I receiving an 'Invalid parameter sent for export..." error message when I try to export a report?


Oracle B2C Service all versions


When exporting a report, agents receive the following error:

'Invalid parameter sent for export. The likely cause is too much data being sent. Try reducing the row limit and export again'

Unable to Export alert message:  'Invalid parameter sent for export. The likely cause is too much data being sent. Try reducing the row limit and export again'


This message is commonly encountered when you either have a very large number of rows being returned in the export or you add a picture to every row as per the design of the report, thus causing the length of the file to be larger.

The way to avoid receiving this expected message would be to reduce the number of rows returned (row limit) or if you have designed the report to contain a picture for every row of data returned, in some cases, reducing the picture scaling might also work.