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Global Suppression List
Answer ID 9745   |   Last Review Date 12/01/2019

What does Global Suppression address filtered error mean when I attempt to send an email?


Email Deliverability, Global Suppression List (GSL)
Oracle B2C Service


Beginning November 2016, Oracle B2C Service sendmail includes a Global Suppression List (GSL). This list is leveraged at all Oracle-related systems (Service Cloud and Outreach) and is made up of the following types of mailing addresses:

  • Role Accounts: These addresses typically represent a group of people within a company or an entire organization itself. These addresses are designed for a specific function, and are only intended to receive messages relating to that function.
  • Bad Domains: Known domains that are considered ‘bad’ and/or have explicitly asked for a global exclusion from all promotional-related emails.
  • Traps and Danger Addresses: These addresses can cause harm to an email program. For more information about spam trap, please see Spam Trap Facts
  • Specific Users: Specific recipients sometimes contact Oracle and ask to never receive any more promotional messages. We honor this for all senders unless we get permission from the person to renew sends.

NOTE: The specifics of this list are proprietary within Oracle and cannot be shared.

When using Oracle B2C Service for either Service or Outreach/Feedback or MAPI Mail sends, the GSL is always enabled. When a suppressed address is used for sending, the following occurs:

  • For Service email sends:
    • Agent toast notification of failed mail send (similar to SMTP send errors)
    • Entry in audit log that states that it failed to send
    • Entry in bounced_msgs table stating why it failed
  • For Outreach/Feedback mailings:
    • Counts of suppressed addresses included in suppression column (in mailing, segment, or contact list) (See Fig 1 below)
  • IMPORTANT: The contact is invalidated in all cases
    • Contacts can be re-validated if their invalid email is edited and saved in the contact record
                           Look at the Audience tab, Audience Count Details section, Suppression column
                               Figure 1: Audience tab on Mailing, note Suppression column.

The GSL provides the following benefits:

  • Better Deliverability: Oracle suppresses sending to dangerous domains and email addresses, helping you avoid major deliverability pitfalls.
  • Fewer Spam Trap Hits: Our customers get the benefit knowing that ‘we have their back’ when it comes from protecting their mailings from some of the most commonplace traps within the space.
  • Complaint Reduction: Eliminating known ‘Screamers’ within the space avoids sending to the small number of addresses which account for the greatest number of complaints received.
  • Improved Contact DB: By invalidating contacts with suppressed addresses or domains, your mail sends become more exact and successful delivery occurs at a higher rate.

Oracle B2C Service also offers an External Suppression List that is customer-managed and site-specific. This is separate from GSL, and can be maintained by each customer of their own accord. Note that in Mailing, Segments, or Contacts Lists, the Suppression column counts on the Audience (similar to fig 1) will show the total of BOTH GSL + ESL.

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