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Permission Denied - An illegal parameter was received.
Answer ID 9544   |   Last Review Date 01/16/2019

Why am I prompted to: "Permission Denied - An illegal parameter was received." instead of viewing the updated answer I subscribed to ?


Message Templates, Emails


I customized the "Answer Update Notification" message template, however when clicking on the Answer link, an error is received:

"Permission Denied - An illegal parameter was received".


To identify the Message Template responsible for this email, please navigate to Configuration > Site Configuration > Message Templates:

1. Click the Interface
2. On the ribbon, click Contact E-mails and expand the section for "Answer"
4. Click Edit for the "Answer Update Notification" message template

There are two ways you can link to answers from Oracle B2C Service. Inserting an "Answer Link" lets you link to any answer you need to reference in the email message sent to your customer. Inserting a "This Answer Link" lets you link to the answer that triggered the message being sent.

However, in order for the answer to be displayed on your Customer Portal page, you need to have these links entered in an "Answer Section", otherwise a "Permission Denied..." error will be received.

An answer section is included, by default, on the "Answer Update Notification" and "Answer Update Notification Expired" message templates.

Answer Links entered outside of the "Answer Section" can result in undesirable behavior.

There is also a warning message returned when you try to save the message template without having an "Answer Section" included: "Warning: Answer Sections contain information that is repeated for each answer included in the notification. Answer Links outside of the Answer Section can result in undesirable behavior".