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Upgrading from CP2 to CP3 - Look and Feel
Answer ID 6987   |   Last Review Date 12/12/2018

When I upgraded to Customer Portal 3, how come the widgets look and function differently?


Customer Portal 2, Customer Portal 3


From Customer Portal 2 (CPv2) to Customer Portal 3 (CPv3), there have been extra Cascading Style Sheets added.

In each template being used, verify parameter 'css' in the theme tag contains the following:

site.css, {YUI}/widget-stack/assets/skins/sam/widget-stack.css, {YUI}/widget-modality/assets/skins/sam/widget-modality.css, {YUI}/overlay/assets/overlay-core.css, {YUI}/panel/assets/skins/sam/panel.css

If there are custom themes utilized on the pages, the path can be changed to match the custom theme directory as needed. 

Also, with the migrating to CPv3, a new classname 'yui3-skin-sam' has also been created that must be added in addition to the current classname already present.

Once the updates to the template have been applied, standard widgets in Customer Portal will function as intended.

For complete information regarding the migrating to CPv3, please review the Migration Guide: Customer Portal Framework Version 3.0.