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New contacts are receiving a Finish Account Creation email
Answer ID 6046   |   Last Review Date 05/27/2020

Why do new contacts receive an email notifying them that a Support Account was created and asking them to set their password?


Oracle B2C Service, Message Templates


By default, the "Finish Account Creation" message type is enabled. Whenever a new contact is created via email and the EGW_PASSWD_CREATE configuration is enabled, the contact will receive an email notifying them that their Support Account has been created and instructions on how to create a password.

Path to setting(s): Select Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings > and search by Key.

If you do not want this message to be sent to a newly created contact, you will want to uncheck the "Send" box for "Finish Account Creation" message type. This is located at Configuration > Site Configuration > Message Templates. Select Contact Emails from the top ribbon and expand the Account Management list.