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Export private report owned by other staff
Answer ID 5176   |   Last Review Date 12/17/2018

How do I edit or export a report that is private to another staff account?


Analytics / Accounts


The Administrator (super-user) account gives you access to private reports owned by all other staff members.

Please note that the System Administrator password can be reset by Technical Support if needed.  However, the request must be submitted in an incident, in writing, from your Primary Support Contact.  Technical Support will not reset the password for other Designated Support contacts.

Once logged in under this account, click the Analytics navigation button and open the Reports Explorer.  In the right frame, the Public Reports item is listed first followed by separate folders for each staff account in the application, such as Paul Jones Reports. Click the appropriate staff reports folder to see the private folders and reports for that staff member. You can drag and drop a report to a different location, export it, copy it and even delete it if needed.

For more information regarding the Administrator (super-user) account, please see the following published answer:  Answer ID 2059: Oracle B2C Service System Administrator account.