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Chat related Event Fields in a Custom Report
Answer ID 4179   |   Last Review Date 01/02/2019

When configuring a custom report, what are the event fields related to a chat session?


Chat / Analytics


Chat related event fields allow you considerable flexibility in defining custom reports.  Event fields are as follows:

To become familiar with the chat related event fields and their values, consider generating a simple report that lists the various fields.

Note: If you need assistance with creating a specific custom report for your business needs, staff in our Solution Center are able to help. For more information on pricing and options, please contact your sales account manager.

From a basic report, you can begin experimenting with adding additional event fields as selection criteria or even chat fields as either search criteria or report output. By keeping the chat created filters to a small date and time range (such as a few hours), you can generally keep the number of records to a comparatively small number to ensure that the custom report is working properly.

Expanded database dictionary definitions for chat related event fields are provided in the attached document.

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