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Enabling an end-user to see incidents from other contacts and organizations
Answer ID 154   |   Last Review Date 04/10/2022

How can an end-user see incidents submitted by other contacts and organizations?


Customer Portal


Click the plus sign next to the appropriate heading below to expand that section for viewing.

By default, on the Account > Support History page, end-users can only view incidents they submit. If the contact record is associated to an organization, the default configuration does not allow the end-user the ability to view and access incidents from other contacts associated to the same organization.

However, you can configure your end-user pages to allow contacts the ability to access incidents from other contacts associated to the same organization.  In order for the contact to be able to view incidents from other contacts, the contact record must be associated with an organization record. For more information on relating a contact record to an organization, refer to Answer ID 1761: Associating a Contact to an Organization Record.

Also, if you are using the organization hierarchy feature, you can allow contacts to view incidents from contacts associated with sub-organizations that are lower in the hierarchy tree.  For more information on the organization hierarchy feature, refer to Answer ID 2179: Using the Organization Hierarchy.

The specific steps to configure your end-user pages to allow contacts to access incidents for other contacts depend on which end-user pages are enabled for your site. Click the plus sign next to the appropriate heading below to expand that section for viewing.

 Customer Portal Framework version 3.0 (CPv3)

Migrating to Customer Portal Framework version 3.0 (CPv3) is available starting with the Oracle B2C Service November 2012 release.

To place the option on the /accounts/questions/list page directly:

1. Edit the page at /cp/customer/development/views/pages/account/questions/list.php.

2. Locate the following line of code.

                <div class="rn_PageContent rn_Container">

3. Type the following code just above the line you located in step two. 

                <rn:widget path="search/OrgList" search_on_select="true" />

4. Save the file.

5. Login to the administrator portal, https://<site_name>/ci/admin.

6. Set environment to Development.

7. Login with a contact record assigned to an organization that has incidents submitted by other contacts within that organization.

8. Select "From anyone in my Organization" or "From my Organization and all subsidiaries".

9. Hit Search.

10. See expected results.

11. Stage > the changes to your staging area.

12. Verify the functionality is what you want.

13. Promote changes to production.

14. Test in Production environment to verify correct look and feel as well as behavior.

 Customer Portal Page set version 2, November 2009 and later releases

In the CP pages, the OrgList2 widget displays a dropdown menu that allows the user to search for incidents associated to their own record or for incidents associated with other contacts in their organization or organization subsidiaries. The MYQ_VIEW_ORG_INCIDENTS config setting must be set to a value equal to or higher than the display_type attribute used with the widget.  When the OrgList2 widget is used, a menu field labeled Organization Type is added to the page and allows users to select which incidents are available for searching based on the associated organization and sub-organizations. 

Note:  The Organization Type field only displays if the contact record is associated to an organization record.  That is, if Jim's record is associated to an organization and Sam's record is not, the Organization Type field only displays for Jim when he is logged in. 

With the OrgList2 widget, the display_type attribute specifies what incidents can be viewed by the end-user that is logged in.

  • display_type="1" allows the end-user to view incidents for other contacts associated to the same organization.  The end-user cannot access incidents from sub-organizations if organization hierarchy is used.  With this option, the Organization Type menu displays the options Individual and Organization.
  • display_type="2" allows end-users to view incidents for other contacts in both their own organization and also for contacts associated with sub-organizations.  With this option, the Organization Type menu displays the options Individual, Organization, and Organization and Subsidiaries.

Adding the Organization Type field to the Advanced Search area:  Within the Customer Portal pages, the AdvancedSearchDialog widget defines the basic and advanced search functionality on the My Account Questions pages.  The account/questions/list.php files references the AdvancedSearchDialog widget

In order to add the Organization Type menu to the advanced search area on the My Account pages, you must do the following:

  1. Create a custom widget based on the AdvancedSearchDialog widget.  In the widgets/custom directory, add a directory for the new custom widget, i.e. named AdvancedSearchDialogCustom.  Copy the view.php file from the standard/search/AdvancedSearchDialog folder to the custom folder.

    Note: If you need help creating or implementing this custom widget then you will need to engage Oracle Consulting. Our Oracle Consulting team is able to provide consultation and customization for a standard consulting fee. 
  2. Add the OrgList2 widget to the custom widget.  For the custom widget, edit the view.php file to include the OrgList2 widget. Set the display_type attribute to 1 or 2.  If you leave the display_type attribute out, it defaults to the value 2.  Upload the view.php file after you have edited it.
    <rn:widget path="standard/search/OrgList2" display_type="2" />
  3. Update the questions/list.php and questions/detail.php files.  You must update the questions/list.php and questions/detail.php files to use your custom widget in place of the default widget.  Replace the reference to custom/AdvancedSearchDialogCustom with the location and name of your custom widget.
    For example, replace the line:
    <rn:widget path="standard/search/AdvancedSearchDialog" report_id="159"/>
    <rn:widget path="custom/AdvancedSearchDialogCustom" report_id="159"/>  
  4. You also need to set the MYQ_VIEW_ORG_INCIDENTS value to be greater than or equal to the display_type attribute value. (It is best if they are set to the same value.)