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Addin Manager uploading addin gets "maximum attachment size exceeded" error
Answer ID 11971   |   Last Review Date 10/05/2021

How can I upload my zip file addin without getting an maximum attachment size exceeded error?


.NET console addins


Uploading a larger zip file addin can get a "maximum attachment size exceeded" error when uploading it in the Addin Manager. The error would show similar to the below image.


The issue occurs when the settings for maximum upload size are too low for your addin. To address the issue and save the zip file addin there two settings that need to have the maximum attachment size value increased. The first setting can be done by your team.

  1. Open the console and navigate to Configuration -> Site Configuration -> Configuration Settings
  2. Search for FATTACH_MAX_SIZE
  3. Once that is open, set the value to the maximum of 125829120
  4. Save
  5. Make the same change any other interfaces you use the Addin Manager with or all of them

For the second change similar values need to be increased in the php.ini file on the server. That can only be done by team here using an internal tool. Open a service request saying the maximum upload sizes need to increased in php.ini files and set the product to Cust. Service Module -> Addins