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Optimizing Chat Implementations Webinar
Answer ID 11206   |   Last Review Date 10/24/2019

Your Oracle Chat product and support teams have collaborated to deliver the sensational “Optimizing Chat Implementations” webinar.. In this webinar, Support Lead for chat, Zak Bryson, returned to the webinar series to talk about optimizing chat on your webpages. He was joined by the Product Manager for chat, Jessica Bradley. Together they presented an intensive review of Syndicated Chat Widget implementations (with or without the Engagement Engine) with a focus on increasing stability and performance during high traffic periods.

If you missed this webinar, you can watch the recorded version here. Written answers to the Q&A portion are also available (PDF). 

We encourage you to visit the following answer in our knowledgebase which was designed as a one-stop source for all your Chat implementation questions:

Answer ID 11116:  Best Practices for Implementing Chat Widgets

Past and future webinars can be found on the OSvC Technical Support Site Webinars page.


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