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Brief definition of chat termination events
Answer ID 8298   |   Last Review Date 04/12/2021

What are the definitions of chat termination events?


B2C Service Chat


Review the below table for a brief description of chat termination events within B2C Service Chat:

Termination Event Name

Event ID

Event Description

 Concluded by Agent


Occurs when the agent terminates the chat after the conversation has ended.

 Concluded by End-user


Occurs when the end-user terminates the chat after the conversation has ended.

 Concluded by End-user Cancel


Occurs when the end-user is waiting in queue for an agent or the chat is being transferred between queues and the end-user decides to cancel the chat.

 End-user was Lost


Occurs when the end-user is experiencing network connection problems and loses connection with the chat server.  The length of time allowed by the site is configurable by the two configurations settings ABSENT_INTERVAL and USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT.  ABSENT_INTERVAL is the length of time the end-user may lose connection with the chat server before they are marked “Absent”.  USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT is the number of times the chat server will execute the ABSENT_INTERVAL before it terminates the chat.  The default value for ABSENT_INTERVAL is 120 seconds and USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT is 2.  With the default settings an end-user will be marked Absent if they lose connection for 120 seconds.  They will then be marked Lost and the chat terminated if connection is not restored within 240 seconds.

 End-user was Queued Too Long


Occurs when the end-user waits in the queue longer than the time configured in USER_WAIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT.  The default value for this configuration is 1800 seconds.  With the default setting a chat will be terminated if the end-user waits in queue for 30 minutes.
NOTE: The contact ID will not be store in the database as the end-user is removed from the queue and was not engaged by a chat agent.

 Transferred to Queue


Occurs when a chat is terminated by a chat business rule.

 Refused due to System Limit


Occurs when the chat server runs out of memory.  If a threshold number of active chats is exceeded on a chat server, then each additional chat will be terminated with this termination event.  Hosting has the ability to set this value per datacenter and chat version.  The threshold value is currently set to 1499 concurrent chats.

 Refused due to Queue Limit


This termination event is not currently in use.

This termination event and corresponding configuration setting USER_MAX_PER_QUEUE were used within "LIVE", a deprecated product. This termination event was assigned to a chat that was terminated when the number of end-users within a queue exceeded the value stored in the configuration USER_MAX_PER_QUEUE.  This configuration setting is also no longer in use in the current version of chat.

 Refused due to Site Limit


This termination event is not currently in use.  

This was a placeholder termination event for chats terminated when the number of active chats in a site exceeded the value specified in a configuration setting.  This configuration setting does not currently exist.

 Refused due to No Agents Available


Occurs if no agents are logged into chat when a chat is submitted by an end-user.  This termination event will only be triggered if the configuration USER_DISCONNECT_IF_NO_AGENTS is enabled.

 Not Terminated


Occurs when a chat has not been released by the chat server.  Chats which are active will have this termination event.

 Participant Left


Occurs when a chat is used in conference mode and the conference participant leaves.

 Idle Timeout


Occurs when no activity is recorded by the chat server from either the agent or end-user for the time configured in CS_IDLE_TIMEOUT, and neither participant has lost connection to the chat server.  Default for this setting is 600 seconds.  With the default setting, a chat will be terminated if both the agent and end-user are still connected to the chat and no activity has taken place in the chat for 10 minutes.

 End-user Deflected


Occurs if an end-user searches the knowledge base while they are waiting in queue.  If the end-user opens a searched answer and then cancels the chat, it can be assumed the end-user found the answer they were looking for and therefore no longer need to engage an agent.

 Chat was ended by the RNW API


Occurs when the API completes the chat at the database level. If a chat is ended by the API, the chat’s state will also be set to Completed (state 9).

 Chat was ended by the chat service


Occurs when the chat server recognizes a "stuck chat".  A stuck chat is a chat which no longer has an agent or end-user engaged in the chat but has not been released by the chat server.  Due to the chat not being released the agent will have an idle session occupied until it is released.  


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