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Limitations of synchronous object event handlers when attached to the answer object.
Answer ID 6907   |   Last Review Date 01/13/2019

Why is my custom process synchronous object event handler occasionally failing to save an answer?


August 2012 and newer versions, Custom Processes


Note: Synchronous custom processes were introduced in August 2012. Asynchronous custom processes were introduced in August 2013.

When a synchronous object event handler is attached to the answer object which has been either newly created or updated, there is work that must be done using answer phrases. This work takes place synchronously (other code waits for this work to complete). Depending on the load on the interface from the custom process, external events and the console and the object event handler may occasionally encounter a lock wait that can cause a timeout. This wait can delay the completion of the handler's work within the 5 second processing time limit. This lock will not cause an error in the error log, as it may complete before the signal  is sent to the process to terminate it.

A solution to this situation occurs when using a later version of our product. We recommend upgrading to August 2013 or newer versions which support the use of asynchronous execution of object event handlers. Asynchronous execution of object event handlers have a longer processing limit that will accommodate the delay mentioned above.