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How to Publish a Scheduled Report
Answer ID 5984   |   Last Review Date 10/31/2018

How do you publish a scheduled report?


November 2011 releases and newer / Scheduled Reports
Oracle B2C Service


When creating a schedule to automatically publish a report, please follow the detailed steps provided below:

1.  The report that is created in the destination folder is given the name you specify in the Name field.

2.  If using the Published format, select from the Format drop-down menu. The Published format does not require email information.

3.  Type any text you want to include in the body of the scheduled report email in the Comment field.

4.  Select the format of the report from the Format drop-down menu:

HTML Attachment (Images/Charts stored on the server)
HTML Email (Images/Charts stored on server)
HTML Email (Images/Charts sent in email)
Excel Attachment (Images/Charts unavailable)
Comma Delimited Attachment (Images/Charts unavailable)
XML Attachment (Images/Charts unavailable)
Image Attachment
PDF Attachment

Please note, the format you select for the report schedule determines if charts or images are available when recipients view the report.  If recipients need to see the report’s charts or images but do not have access to the server which stores the charts and images, we recommend that you set the schedule format to Image Attachment, PDF Attachment, or HTML Email (Images/Charts sent in email).

5.  In order to select the folder in the Reports explorer where you want published reports sent, click the Destination Folder drop-down menu and select the folder you want. This drop-down menu is available only when you select the Published format. For more information about published reports, refer to Publishing reports.

6.  Click the OK button to save the schedule.

See Oracle B2C Service for your version for further information.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.