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Intelligent Advisor Errors and Warnings
Answer ID 5789   |   Last Review Date 09/01/2022

What causes a Intelligent Advisor error?


Intelligent Advisor (latest release)


The most common errors in Intelligent Advisor are caused by invalid expressions of a policy or incomplete or invalid definitions within the policy model.  An error with the data (policy) model will result in an icon at the top of the Data tab within Oracle Policy Modeling.  Similarly, any error with the policies (rules) will result in an icon at the top of the Rules tab within Oracle Policy Modeling and any errors related to the screens or interviews will result in an icon at the top of the Interview tab.

Other common errors are related to data service configuration, configuring the initiation of interviews from within the customer portal or in utilizing BI Publisher with Intelligent Advisor. Errors that occur during an interview will result in an error code and short description within the interview error message.

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