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Customer Portal Deployment Manager
Answer ID 4236   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

What is Customer Portal Deployment Manager?


Customer Portal (CP) Deployment Manager
February 2011 and newer


CP Deployment manager features:  

  • The ability to promote isolated files or configurations
  • Helpful when making isolated changes or working on a specific part of the experience (Example: a set of mobile pages)
  • Provides the ability to roll back to a previous production build
  • Give you the ability to deploy right from the CP Admin pages

This feature only shows files that have changed between development and staging.  It also allows you to choose which files you wish to copy to staging.

By default, all files are selected, changes to widgets only allow you to copy the widget, not component files (logic,js, view etc).

The visibility and directory naming follow the same rules as those imposed using webDAV.  

Selecting an option from the top Action menu sets all selected files to the same action. Allowable actions are:

  • No Action
  • Copy to Staging
  • Remove from Staging

Options are grayed out when not applicable – usually this would apply to Remove from Staging only

Select Files, Select Configurations, then Stage process shows where files exist between development and staging

After you go through the three steps of the Staging phase you click the Stage button.

CP Deploy Stage by clicking the Stage button

After doing this you receive a message stating that the deploy operation was successful.

A message will be displayed stated the deploy operation was successful

This message is misleading, however, because the files have actually NOT been pushed to production yet.

To push the files to production you actually have to select Promote from the Ribbon.  And then select the Promote button to deploy to production.

Steps to deploy CP:

  1. Go to:  Configuration --> Site Configuration --> Customer Portal
  2. Select the interface
  3. In the Ribbon, select Stage
    NOTE:  There is no longer a "Deploy" button on the Ribbon
  4. Move through the three steps of the staging process selecting Next after each step
    NOTE:  For each file listed you can choose No Action, Copy to staging or Remove from staging
  5. Select the Stage button once the three staging steps are complete
  6. In the Ribbon, select Promote
  7. Select the Promote button to deploy to production

For information on deploying mobile page sets, refer to answer Answer ID 5304: Deploy change to mobile page sets only.