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Changing the mailbox associated with a closed-incident survey
Answer ID 2134   |   Last Review Date 12/12/2018

Why can't I change the mailbox associated with a closed incident surveys?


Oracle B2C Service Outreach and Feedback


A closed-incident survey is a form of a transactional survey. The mailbox information cannot be changed while a mailing or survey is in a launched status.  

Once a survey has been launched, the From address associated with that survey cannot be changed.  Even if you change the mailbox settings to a new email address, the survey will still reference the original email address.  Any surveys sent where a automated reply is received will go to that From email address.

You can suspend the survey temporarily in order to change the mailbox information, and then re-launch the survey. There could be data integrity issues if you do not protect the survey from sending while you are changing the data.

To suspend the survey:

  1. Open the survey from the Survey Explorer.
  2. Select the Delivery tab.
  3. Click the Suspend button. The Suspend button will only appear after the survey has been launched.
  4. Click the Yes button to confirm suspending the survey.
  5. To start the survey again, simply click Launch.
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