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Explanation of info log entries containing PAPI_ROQL_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED
Answer ID 11724   |   Last Review Date 10/15/2020

What does the info log entry containing the text "ROQL Permissions are currently disabled (see config PAPI_ROQL_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED)" mean for my site?


Console Info Log
Oracle B2C Service


The PAPI_ROQL_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED configuration specifies whether Connect ROQL will honor CRUD permissions (set on a profile level) on the objects it queries when using tabular queries. Messages such as below in a site/interface info log (this example being specific to the tasks object) are a warning that access has been granted but would not have been if the PAPI_ROQL_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED configuration was enabled on a site. The enablement of this configuration may be required in future releases and as such is it advised that the message is followed up on accordingly.

 Description: ROQL Permissions are currently disabled (see config PAPI_ROQL_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED).  Access was granted to tasks, but will be blocked when ROQL permissions are enabled, which may lead to unexpected future results.  It is advised to review account profiles and roles that may execute this query to ensure all necessary object access is granted, or modify the query to only select data that aligns with the assigned role.