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Determining response times in Agent / Group Performance report
Answer ID 1144   |   Last Review Date 02/27/2024

How does the Agent or Group Performance report determine response times?


Analytics, Performance Intervals


When generating the "Agent Performance (Simple)" (ID 53) or the "Group Performance (Simple)" (ID 52) reports, you can select from several different intervals to report on. You can include multiple interval types as well. For an incident to be included in the report output, the incident must have a completed interval of the selected types.

For example, if you select the Create to Response interval, only incidents that had a response sent from the staff member to the customer can be included in the report. In addition, the incident must have both the created time and the response time within the time range of the report. The report then calculates average interval times for the incidents that meet the criteria for the report.

For more information on the interval types used in the report, refer to Answer ID 2240: Interval Types in the Incident Performance Table


Illustration of Included Time Periods. Each is defined below this image.

Time is included in the following situations:

Created - Close: Includes all time from when the incident is created to when the incident closes.
Created - Response: Includes the time from when the incident is created to when the first response is sent.
Assigned - Close: Includes all time from when the incident is first assigned to a staff member to when the incident closes.

Assigned - Response: Includes the time from when the incident is assigned to a staff member to the first response. In addition, time after which the incident is updated to when an additional response is sent is also included in the time reported. In this way, time spent on incidents with multiple responses is included. Time spent in the waiting status is not included.

Note: The "# Incidents" total does not change when the incident is updated by the customer or when the staff member responds a second time, because these transactions occurred in a previously tracked incident.


The Average Interval Time is the average time the incidents have spent between the interval start (Create or Assign) and the interval end (Response or Close). This value is calculated only for intervals that actually have both the start and end actions. Intervals that are not complete, i.e. not responded to or not closed, are not included when calculating the average interval time.


For low response times: If staff are responsible for manually assigning incidents to themselves, the incident may sit in a queue for an extended period of time without being assigned to a staff member. If this is the case, the report would only record the moment the incident was assigned to the staff member to the moment the response was sent. If staff are assigning incidents to themselves the moment they respond -- rather than the moment they begin to read the incident -- this number could be even smaller.

You can verify this by viewing the report in tabular format, drilling down into an individual staff member's list of responded incidents, selecting an incident, and viewing the transactions of the incident (clicking the Transactions button). The transactions show the exact time the incident came in, the time it was assigned to the staff member, and the time it was responded to. This should give you an idea whether this explains the low response rate.

If this is the case, you may want to reconsider using workflow rules to automatically assign incoming incidents to a group. Using the Group functionality to auto-assign incidents would give you a more accurate indication of the time it took to respond, and increase staff accountability, which is the goal of this report.