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Knowledge Base (51)

  1. Answer: Environment: Setting limits on the number of rows returned within custom reports Oracle B2C Service, Analytics, All versions Resolution: When you run the report, you can manually change the Record...
  2. Answer: Environment: Emails, Oracle B2C Service, all versions Resolution: Below is a description for the EGW_MAX_PER_ADDRESS and EGW_MAX_MSG_DURATION setting's functionality and examples of...
  3. Answer: Environment: Network Connectivity Resolution: As a web-delivered product, Oracle B2C Service requires a constant high speed Internet connection to function properly. Sporadic product errors across...
  4. Answer: Environment: REST API Issue: The product allows file attachments with a filename up to 100 characters. However when all of an incident's file attachments are downloaded as a tar file in a REST...
  5. Answer: Environment:    Customer Portal, Answer feedback Issue : I have modified the standard AnswerFeedback widget to display in ranking by changing the num_options ="5" and ratings="true", but it...
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Documentation (246)

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    Per Centum Engine, each unique visitor is assigned a random number between 1 and 100 . This is a server-side Last Updated: 06/13/2023
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    Check If a Condition Is Ever True Within a Specified Number of Preceding Days determine whether a customer's bank account balance has exceeded $ 100 at any time in the last 4 days. In Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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    Set Password Policies , change the following as required: Number of invalid logins (must be a number between 0 and 100 Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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    Change Rule Table Orientation level of the user the user is applying for some money <= 100 > 0 FALSE high <=2000 > Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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    View Deployment-Specific Statistics : If the number of sessions in the previous period is zero, then the indicator will display + 100 Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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