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Knowledge Base (51)

  1. Answer: Environment: Setting limits on the number of rows returned within custom reports Oracle B2C Service, Analytics, All versions Resolution: When you run the report, you can manually change the Record...
  2. Answer: Environment: REST API Issue: The product allows file attachments with a filename up to 100 characters. However when all of an incident's file attachments are downloaded as a tar file in a REST...
  3. Answer: Environment: Analytics Resolution: When creating custom reports, you can define functions of the data to use in a filter or to display in the output column. This allows users to customize both the...
  4. Answer: Environment Oracle B2C Service Answer Feedback, Analytics for Answer Feedback Resolution In Oracle B2C Service, the standard report "Answers Viewed by Answer" (report ID 4) displays the end user...
  5. Answer: Environment: Analytics Resolution: When configuring filters in a report, the options listed in the Operator field depend on the type of field selected. Note that wildcards are not allowed with any of...
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Documentation (246)

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    Per Centum Engine, each unique visitor is assigned a random number between 1 and 100 . This is a server-side Last Updated: 06/13/2023
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    Check If a Condition Is Ever True Within a Specified Number of Preceding Days determine whether a customer's bank account balance has exceeded $ 100 at any time in the last 4 days. In Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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    Set Password Policies , change the following as required: Number of invalid logins (must be a number between 0 and 100 Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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    Change Rule Table Orientation level of the user the user is applying for some money <= 100 > 0 FALSE high <=2000 > Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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    View Deployment-Specific Statistics : If the number of sessions in the previous period is zero, then the indicator will display + 100 Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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