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Understanding Chat Permissions: How Chat Widgets are affected by Pull & Push Chat Modes
Answer ID 4296   |   Last Review Date 03/19/2019

I am deploying a Chat Widget, how will agent permissions affect the widget’s availability?

Deploying Chat Widgets, Chat Agent Profile Permissions
Oracle B2C Service
In order to explain how Chat Widgets are affected by Chat Permissions, we’ve defined the most popular use cases and provided a functional description for each.
In the following use cases, 'Chat Widgets' include:
  • Syndicated Conditional Chat Link (SCCL)
  • Conditional Chat Link (CCL)
  • Syndicated Proactive Chat (SPAC), and
  • Proactive Chat (PAC)
In the following use cases ‘Chat Permissions’ include:
  • Pull Chat Mode, and
  • Push Mode

Use Case #1: SCCL/CCL + Pull Chat Mode

Given there is an SCCL or a CCL widget deployed on the page
Given an agent has the chat permission for Pull Chat Mode defined in her profile
Given the agent is logged into Chat
When the agent is in an available status
Then the SCCL/CCL widget displays on the page 


  • This is true whether the agent has clicked the Request Chat button or not
  • If the profile is set to include a delay between chats, then the SCCL/CCL displays on the page while the defined delay is waiting to expire. Once the delay has expired, the SCCL/CCL widget no longer displays as available on the page

Use Case #2: SCCL/CCL + Push Mode

  • Please refer to Use Case #1
  • The SCCL/CCL widget behaves the same for agents with the permission ‘Push Mode’ as it does with the permission ‘Pull Chat Mode’ 

Use Case #3: SPAC/PAC + Pull Chat Mode

Given there is a SPAC or a PAC widget deployed on the page
Given the widget has the attribute ‘min_agents_avail_type’ set to Agents (default)
Given an agent has the chat permission for Pull Chat Mode defined in her profile
Given the agent is logged into Chat
When the agent is in an available status
Then the SPAC/PAC widget is not displayed on the page

Given there is a SPAC or a PAC widget deployed on the page
Given the widget has the attribute ‘min_agents_avail_type’ set to Agents (default)
Given an agent has the chat permission for Pull Chat Mode defined in her profile
Given the agent is logged into Chat
Given the agent is in an available status
When the agent clicks the Request Chat button
Then the SPAC/PAC widget displays on the page

Given there is a SPAC or a PAC widget deployed on the page
Given the widget has the attribute ‘min_agents_avail_type’ set to Sessions, and the attribute is set to a value greater than or equal to ‘1’
Given an agent has the chat permission for Pull Chat Mode defined in her profile
Given the agent is logged into Chat
When the agent is in an available status
Then the SPAC/PAC widget displays on the page 

Given there is a SPAC or a PAC widget deployed on the page
Given the widget has the attribute ‘min_agents_avail_type’ set to Sessions, and the attribute is set to a value greater than or equal to ‘1’
Given an agent has the chat permission for Pull Chat Mode defined in her profile
Given the agent is logged into Chat
Given the agent is in an available status
When the agent clicks the Request Chat button
Then the SPAC/PAC widget displays on the page

Use Case #4: SPAC/PAC + Push Mode

Given there is a SPAC or a PAC widget deployed on the page
Given the widget has the attribute ‘min_agents_avail_type’ set to Agents (default)
Given an agent has the chat permission for Push Mode defined in her profile
Given the agent is logged into Chat
When the agent is in an available status
Then the SPAC/PAC widget displays on the page

Given there is a SPAC or a PAC widget deployed on the page
Given the widget has the attribute ‘min_agents_avail_type’ set to Sessions, and the attribute is set to a value greater than or equal to ‘1’
Given an agent has the chat permission for Push Mode defined in her profile
Given the agent is logged into Chat
When the agent is in an available status
Then the SPAC/PAC widget displays on the page

Note: A recorded B2C Service Support Webinar on Understanding Chat Permissions is available.