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Running the Service Cloud application on Virtual Machines
Answer ID 2841   |   Last Review Date 02/26/2019

Can I run the Service Cloud application on a Virtual machine?


All supported versions.


Oracle B2C Service Technical Support has certified various versions of the Service Cloud product line to be compatible with the Windows operating system. Specific version to version compatibility information can be found here Answer ID 31: Oracle B2C Service Infrastructure Requirements.  Service Cloud Technical Support does not test or certify the Oracle B2C Service applications on specific hardware and does not support any particular OS/Hardware/Virtual machine combination.

There are not any anticipated problems with running the Service Cloud application on any legitimate copy of a compatibly versioned Windows operating system, regardless of where that operating system is running. Therefore, if your VM environment, such as VMware for Linux or Parallels for Macintosh, is set up to run a compatible version of Windows, you should experience no issues with the Service Cloud application.

However, the same limitations for bandwidth, memory allocation, and CPU allocation apply to all client instances, whether or not they are on physically separated or virtually separated environments. Additionally, the environmental constraints for your general network configuration (proxy server/firewall configuration/packet shaping) as detailed in the Oracle B2C Service Infrastructure Requirements will also still apply.